
Our company has been in business since December 2nd, 1991. It was initially specialized in repairing electromechanical devices and maintenance of power electrical systems, with the main
objective of providing services in our zonal customer base.

Following our commitment and zest for innovation, during 1994 we started to put together med and low voltage electric panels.
In 1995 we started providing electromechanical assembly services.

Through the last years we have gained experience in different branches on the industry, as we have commercialized our services across the country.
Growth has been a constant for us since we first began; nowadays our experience allows us to offer a remarkable service provision, great ability to carry out projects and reliable solutions in the
field of applied electric engineering.

QUALITY POLICY: At WG ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING S.A., in our constant pursuit of achieving excellence in the execution of our processes, we adopt the following Quality Policy, which is based on:

  • Providing products and services of increasingly better quality.
  • Ensuring the satisfaction of our customers by promoting continuous improvement, organization, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Pursuing continuous improvement as a business philosophy.
  • Offering our employees a work environment where motivation and continuous training allow for their ongoing development.

Quality requires the participation and collaboration of everyone, which is why this Policy is disseminated to all personnel at WG ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING S.A. for their knowledge and understanding.

OUR MISSION: To contribute our experience and creativity in the field of electrical engineering to solve the needs of our clients.
OUR VISION: To seek technical challenges that drive us towards growth, training, and the development of human resources within the company, thus gaining recognition in the market for our expertise.

  • Commitment
  • Reliability and Transparency
  • Teamwork
  • Innovation